
A huge THANK YOU to our sponsors for supporting the club! We wouldn’t be able to do what we do without them.

Philadelphia Runner

Connecting, inspiring, and strengthening the Philadelphia running and fitness community since 2004. This city and the streets running through it define us, and our culture is built on the idea that working out can and should be fun, and it is always more fun when you are part of a vibrant community of like-minded people. We aren’t the fastest runners in the world – we come from a variety of backgrounds, but we are all passionate about running, fitness, and living a healthy lifestyle. Oh, and not least of all, the glorious post-workout pint with friends.

“Our mission is health and movement. Moving from where you are now, to where you want to go. From the best brands and resources, to group runs and community events - we are Philly's local hub for an urban, active lifestyle.”


D2 Integrated Solutions

Founded in 1997 by Tom Drummond, D2 Computers is a family-owned company with over 100 years of collective IT experience. D2 staff bring their technical knowledge to support clients on customer-centric projects. Since joining PRTC as a sponsor in May 2020, D2 Computers has been highly-active supporting the club in its mission to develop Philadelphia-area elite and sub-elite athletes. We are deeply appreciative for the partnership we have with D2 Computers to deliver opportunities for PRTC athletes.

Precision Performance Physical Therapy

Precision Performance Physical Therapy understands that every athlete is different and requires individualized care. Their Doctors and coaches encourage you to take an active role in your personalized recovery, getting you back to activities you love faster. PPPT promotes health and recovery by investing in top-of-the-line equipment and facilities that create a welcoming community of achievement .

Sponsorship Inquiries

Interested in sponsoring us? Please fill out the form below to gain more information on the levels of support you can provide our team.